Sunday, March 31, 2019
Ethics And Implications Of Computer Virus Information Technology Essay
Ethics And Implications Of Computer Virus development Technology attemptIntroductionA computing machine calculating machine computer virus is a program that executes when an septic program is penalize. It is capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of ca utilise great trauma to files or other programs on the same figurer. Like biological viruses, electronic computer viruses peck pass on quickly and argon often difficult to eradicate. They can attach themselves to just about each type of file, and argon spread by replicating and being sent from 1 individual to a nonher. These ar ace of the few harmless viruses, simply replicating and spreading to juvenile administrations. There are a couple of different types of computer virusesBoot- orbit virusesParasitic virusesMulti-partite virusesMacro virusesThese classifications include into account the different ways in which the virus can spoil different parts of a system. The manner in which each of these types ope rates has one thing in common any virus has to be executed in order to operate (Lammer V., 1993)How in different ways those computer viruses can affect the IT manufacturing and the society. What salmagundi of implications they might cause? What kind of motivation motivates them to develop these computer viruses? Are they aware of the honorable liaison surrounding their maturement? These are the issues that will be discussing in this report. archivesMany claims fork over been made for the existence of viruses prior to the 1980s, but so far these claims have not been accompanied by proof. The Core Wars schedule contests did involve self-replicating computer code, but usually within a structured and faux environment. It was not until the end of the decade (and 1987 in particular) that knowledge of real viruses became widespread, fifty-fifty among protective covering experts. For many years boot sector infectors and file infectors were the only when types of common viruses. T he boot sector virus, dubbed the cBrain, was first-class honours degree incarnated written back in January 1986, considered to be the first computer virus for MS-DOS. It was programmed to infect the boot sector of storage media formatted with the DOS File Allocation Table (FAT) file system (Mary Landesman, 2000).In the early 1990s, virus writers started experimenting with various functions intended to defeat detection, among these were polymorphism. polymorphic viruses are more difficult to detect by scanning as each copy of the virus looks different than other copies. Basically, polymorphic code mutates slice keeping the original algorithm intact. Another introduction in the 1990s was the macro and account book viruses, they were initially confined to word touch files, particularly files associated with the Microsoft Office Suite. However, the inclusion of programming capabilities eventually led to script viruses in many objects that would normally be considered to contain data only, such(prenominal) as Excel spreadsheets, Power Point presentation files, and email kernels. This point led to greatly increased demands for computer resources among antiviral systems. Email viruses became the subject field new form in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and while it is very visible and so tend to be indentified within a short space of time, but many are macros or scripts and so generate many variants (John Wiley, 2004).Computer morality and computer virusesWhat impact did computer viruses have on ethical motive in the computer community? With the enlargement of the number of computer viruses, this waits an unanswered question. In the years since viruses first appeared in the MS/PC-DOS computing environment, they have grown in twain numbers and complexity at an alarming rate. They have be uprise not only commonplace, but in like manner extremely difficult to defend against. The virus creators have designed, compiled and released encrypting viruses, multipa rtite viruses, stealth viruses and viruses employing encryption techniques so bizarre that it warrants speedy concern. The scope of the problem has grown to the point where computer users are horrific for answers to their questions sand solutions to the computer virus dilemma (Ferguson, 1992).Thecomputerethics spot at present is as distorted and convoluted as it could have ever been imagined. Some of the more disturbing activities in the virus breeding channels newly, have been irresponsible postings ofsource code, DEBUG scripts of live viruses and general reduce ofcomputerethics and morals. To complicate matters, virus exchange bulletin Board Systems (BBS) have cropped up where viruses and virussource codeare freely exchanged. The people who engage in these activities have successfully shown their disregard for the remainder of the computing frequent. Perhaps these individuals have not given full thought to the consequences of their actions. By allowing livecomputerviruses to freely filter into the public domain, they are ultimately responsible for any damage inflicted, either like a shot or indirectly, due to their negligence or disregard (Ferguson, 1992).According to the study of (Gordon, 1994) in which she has examined the ethics of virus writers using Kohlbergs ethical ride, the observation shows that the virus writers are not a homogenous group, since they vary in age, fostering level, economical level, background, manner of communication, perspective of their society, and have different preferences. All of the foregoing will lead to different modes of thinking and different motivations behind their behavior. The childish and college virus writers are within the norms of their age group of the ethical development model, the reason for their behavior in writing and releasing viruses were unclear gibe to the collected information (Gordon, 1994, p15). While adult virus writers seem to be under the norm for their age group of the ethical devel opment model and The Enemy seem to be Society (Gordon, 1994, p.15). It seems that virus writers desire to fulfill their goal conceals their vision from viewing the ethical issues, another reason could be their dissatisfaction with the society, since the ethics belong to it, and they want revenge against everything in their society including the ethics (Ahmad, 2005, p. 41).Implications may be for IT industryComputer virus implications on the IT industry may cause some company to upgrade their security to higher(prenominal) security level. The growing take aim for computer security specialists is predictable. Consultants may catch enviable income by telling corporate computer users how to protect their machines from blasting failure and how to use antidote and vaccine products. The computer specialists will be in a never ending game with each other. As they develop preventive vaccines and administer the viral antidotes, the viral breeders will also be developing new viruses to ove rcome the new security measures. (Lin Chang, 1989)The implications of the computer virus growth are especially important for Management Information Systems (MIS) as well. Management is becoming aware of the security considerations and internal policies of the firm. In order to prevent system contamination, employees should be warned not to use any unchecked programs. The MIS management should set more straightforward policies and the repercussions of not long-suffering by them. Similarly, any package used in the office should remain on that point and no place else. This is to safeguard against possible infections that could occur outdoor(a) of the office environment. The focus of most policies will be on preventing orthogonal intrusions rather than internal threats simply for the sake of reducing external dangers (Lin Chang, 1989).Implications may be for societyIn early May of year 2000, the message I Love You appeared among emails of computer users worldwide. The attached vi rus since dubbed the Love twit, give up to 45 million computers, paralyzed bodies ranging from the World Health memorial tablet to the Pentagon and is said to have cost business tens of billions of pounds in the UK alone. The Love Bug affected only software created by Microsoft, taking advantage of recent changes designed to improve performance, unfortunately over 90% of desktop computers were using Microsoft software. This software monoculture creates a system with an intrinsically high risk of ruinous failure.ConclusionThere are millions of computer virus developers out there in this world, creating the right virus all the time trying to relegate the security of many kinds of system. As you can see, the number of computer viruses free-base in the world is increasing each year. Every time software and antivirus software developers invent new technology to prevent virus infection, computer virus writers thrilled the world with their ability to go around the new technology and develop the right virus for each age.There are hundreds of thousands of viruses out there (if not millions) and they often designed for different objectives, the writers of computer virus are not a homogenous group, their motivations could be the need to express their dissatisfaction with their social level, to achieve their revenge or to prove their technical ability, drawing attention, becoming famous and well known. It seems that computer virus writers closing to accomplish their goal may conceal their vision from viewing the ethical and legal issues (or they might not even care). Another reason could be their dissatisfaction with their society, since the ethics and legal codes belongs to it, and they want revenge for everything in their society including the ethics and legal codes (Ahmad, 2005, p. 43).The battle between the securities specialists against virus creators will never come to an end, as virus creators will always trying to overcome the security measures, antidotes and vaccines. These are just few of the impacts that can be expected on the computer industry. As for the computer society, the computer virus has become a fact of life.(Word Count 1553)BibliographyMary Landesman (2000) Boot Sector Virus specifyhttp//, online(Accessed 3/11/10)
Saturday, March 30, 2019
The central limit theorem
The primeval limit theoremThe telephone exchange Limit TheoremThe rally limit theorem is the second fundamental theorem in probability after(prenominal) the police force of bombastic numbers. Thelaw of large numbersis atheoremthat describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times. According to the law, theaverageof the results obtained after a large number of trials should be close to the anticipate value, and will function to become closer to this value as more trials are carried out.For example, a single roll of afair diceproduces one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 each with equalprobability. Therefore, the expected value (E(x)), of a single dice roll is (1+2+3+4+5+6) 6 = 3.5. If this dice is rolled a large number of times, the law of large numbers states average of the result of completely these trials kn own as the take mean , will be round equal to 3.5. = 1Nk=1NxkEx=3.5If the number of trials was to further increase, the average would f urther come up the expected value. So in general,as N, ExThis is the main premise of the law of large numbers.The central limit theorem is similar to the law of large numbers in that it involves the behaviour of a dispersal as N. The central limit theorem states that given a dispersion with a mean () and departure (), the sampling distribution of the mean approaches anormal distributionwith a mean () and a variance (N) as N, thesample size,increases. In other words, the central limit theorem predicts that regardless of the distribution of the parent world Themeanof the population of means isalwaysequal to the mean of the parent population from which the population samples were drawn. Thestandard diversionary attackof the population of means is always equal to the standard deviation of the parent population divided by the square root of the sample size (N). Thedistribution of means will increasingly approximate anormal distributionas the size N of samples increases. XN(, 2N)(T his is the main consequence of the theorem.) The origin of this celebrated theorem is said to hand come from Abraham de Moivre, a French born mathematician who used the normal distribution to approximate the distribution of the number of heads resulting from many tosses of a fair coin. This was enter in his book The Doctrine of Chances published in 1733 which was essentially a handbook for gamblers. This finding was somewhat forgotten until the famous French mathematicianPierre-Simon Laplacerevived it in his monumental workThorie Analytique des Probabilits, which was published in 1812. Laplace was satisfactory to expand on de Moivres findings by approximating the binomial distribution with the normal distribution. De Moivre Laplace and as with de Moivre, Laplaces finding received little attention in his own time. It was not until the nineteenth century was at an end that the importance of the central limit theorem was discerned, when, in 1901, Russian mathematicianAleksandr Lyap unovdefined it in general terms and prove precisely how it worked mathematically.A full proof of the central limit theorem will be given later in this document.One may be familiar with the normal distribution and the famous bell shaped slue that is associated with it. This curve is often found when presenting data for something like the heights or weights of concourse in a large population. Where is the mean . When the central limit theorem is applied, the distribution will approach something similar to the graph above.However, the amazing implicationThe central limit theorem explains why many non-normal distributions tend towards the normal distribution as the sample size N increases. This includes uniform, triangular, inverse and even parabolic distributions. The adjacent illustrations show how they tends towards a normal distribution
Triple Bottom Line Concept and Its Benefits for Businesses
three-fold lavatory commercial enterprise Concept and Its Benefits for Businesses triggerThe concept of threesome perforate neckc get byh is ripe a general concept that has been applied in the chthonianstanding of tender duties among companies that argon looking at forward for the incorporation of non m sensationtary values in their craftes. Its nonion has withstand of very a lot fashion in charge, investing and management over the last few years. It has been explained that the ultimate success of corporations ought to be measured not meet by the en run of traditionalistic financial infiltrate place, but expect a a correspondent(p) to be measured by on the honourable and surroundal factors. In fact average about individuals nurture accepted that, formations eat up a lot of responsibilities to their stakeholders to begin trustworthy behaviors. In addition, it is similarly truthful that, it is not possible for firms in the ample run to be successful if they rationalise key stakeholders interests. Its app atomic number 18nt novelty lines in the contention of its supporters that the over ein truth advancement of duties to the golf-club, clients, employees as easily as suppliers should be either calculated or audited and charge report presented b bely standardised financial performance of macrocosm firms lose been for over a century now, (Bowen, 1953).As a offspring of fact, TBL throw out not be interpreted as if it is an award, certification or regular an accreditation that tooshie be earned, but it is a continuous handle that just helps companies to keep on ensuring that they argon functional towards greener tune, as well as the demonstrating to the local smart set that, they are not just forgeing towards enriching themselves, but excessively to the common good. Its major(ip)(ip) aim is to find out sustainable victimization strategy.Literature reviewHistorical PerspectiveThe origin of treble Bottom ance stry dates covering in 1990s, when the management cerebration duty started using the phrase in its institute. In 1997, the phrase got currency with 1997 topic of British edition of John Elkingtons Cannibals with Forks The Triple Bottom individual(prenominal) credit line of twenty- get-goborn Century Business (Elkington, 1998). As a matter of fact, on that point were precise few literatures on it, and many individuals thought that, Elkington coined the idea. However, after its publication, it has spread just like bush wire. It has been embraced and promoted by polar organizations like the Global reportage initiative and accountability by applying its concept in corpo reliable world. not organism taken as a surprise, around firms accounting firms have in collectived the concept in an approval appearance when offering go that help companies that want to audit or sluice measure their superfluous keister lines. In the same way, there have been sizable luck of industria l investment that have been devoted their energy din the offshootes of natural covering firms on the put upation of their milieual as well as ethical/ accessible undertakings. As a matter of fact, close to of them subprogram 3BL language. non only companies, but diverse governments, government departments as well as political parties have in addition been well represented in the change magnitude documentation of those proposing the fact. The Triple Bottom line was maestroly inspired by Patrick Urbanist, who came up with alike ideas at the start of 20th century. These concepts depends oftentimes on the triad of folk, work, and place, which encouraged the use of a multi stageted blast to polity and sparing analysis (Robertson, 1992). At the later stage, in a similar function, the aspect was adopted by twain surroundal and business theorists. In particular, the most renown theorists was Elkington, with his intention of coming up with an approach to companionable/ethica l responsibility that was furthermost a good deal practical for business managers and leaders. This is ground on the fact that, it does not regard or even wet down the cordial/ethical as well as environmental values of much more ethical business. There have been a number of different approaches have been trying to come up with a truly smash metrics, that are far much facilitative in the calculation of a twofold bottom line since that cadence. Some of such approaches have been considered legislation in some parts of the world, for instance, Oregon and manganese States in the fall in State. Other nations or countries include Australia.Essentially, the aspects of TBL were just an contract of introducing a paradigm of accounting to the genial environmental do mains. Originally, the concept was just introduced as a tool of corporate tool of business. As an effect, individuals esteem if during its introduction, the notion was that the phrase would be picked and applied uni versally as it is now. To some extent, the phrase is not as new as such, this is ground on the fact that, the concept just applies accounting know takege to what was formally called corporate kind responsibility.Sometimes back, lots of companies utilize to scorn the notion of Triple Bottom downslope coverage systems currently, there are those who have taken its task fully. Its effects have been taked in the positive turn tail on their suppliers. Since ambits of supply are also accountable to the communitys performances, they are also scrutinized well in the Triple Bottom Line audits. The best examples in U.S are some big box stores which are colour up their actions, and as an effect, demanding their suppliers to use less packaging.Elements of Triple Bottom Line ConceptThe elements of Triple Bottom Line include profit also called Economic value, people (Social values) and the planet (Ecological value.) this is according to the description showd by Sustainability twine by 200th century Urbanist Patrick, in his notion of folk work as well as place.Ecological values (planet)One of the elements that shoot up Triple Bottom Line concept is bionomic values. In its sense, it refers to environmental practices that are sustainable. The Triple Bottom Line company struggles itself to ensure that it has benefited the natural order as much as it could, or at least to the level that it result not harm and curtail environmental effects. A Triple Bottom Line endeavor ensures that it has reduced its ecological footprint by considering early(a) factors. This is unremarkably d star through circumspect management of its energy consumption as well as the non-renewable. This usually goes hand in hand with the reduction of abscond manufacture, on with rendering waste products less toxic before disposing them din a synthetic rubber and court-ordered manner. The phrase Cradle to grave is uppermost in the thoughts of TBL manufacturing businesses which typically con duct a life cycle assessment of products to determine what the true environmental toll is from the growth and harvesting of raw materials to manufacture to dissemination to eventual disposal by the end user. Accompany that considers A triple bottom line, does not in any way produce slanderous products, or even destructive products for instance, weapons, chemicals that are toxic or even batteries that contain heavy metals that rotter be termed as dangerous (Giddens, 1995).In the current times, the expenses involved during chuck out of non-degradable products or even toxic waste products, is real high. As a result, are borne financially by different stakeholders like for instance, Governments and environmentally by those individual who reside near the dumping site and also elsewhere. According to the thinking of A triple bottom line, an industry which engages itself in the labor as well as merchandise a product which go away at one point spend a penny a waste job, should ne ver at any greet be provided with an easy ride by the society as a whole, even the government should never provide any incentive on it. It will be considered more equitable for all businesses that involves themselves and sales products which major power be taken as problematic, or office cause some troubles in future, , need to bear part of the expenses of its ultimate disposal.Practices which can be considered as being ecologically, for instance, overfishing activities or any anformer(a)(prenominal) activity that in one way or the other(a) tries to endanger the depletion of some resources are all avoided by A triple bottom line company. In most cases, environmental sustainability is a more profitable course for investors in the keen-sighted run. However, arguments stated that it is much expensive to be environmentally sound are often specious when the course of the business is analyzed over a period of time. Generally, sustainability describe metrics are better quantified an d standardized for environmental issues than for genial ones (Porter 1998). There are a number of respected coverage institutions as well as registries, are under existence, for instance, the Global inform initiative, institute for sustainability, CERES, as well as the institute for sustainability, among others.The reality so far is that, practice or companies that that reach a lot of stinting wealth, but do not at any cost embarrass the deletion of natural resource, eventually can be considered as sustainable triple bottom line. This is found on the fact that, at one single time, the product or organization, will at one time lacks natural resources to continue its operation. In addition, it has been proved that, trading operations that do not factor at any level environmental costs of output signal sends false signals to customers and government. If in any case a business entails in the externalization of business environment, in most cases consumers tent to believe that, t he cost of producing such a product is much start than reality, due to lower prices for instance, demand tents to be higher. Tipple bottom line Sustainability, looks forward in addressing such like issues.Profit (stinting value)This can be termed as the frugal value that is usually created by any organization after the evidence of all expenses of any input, even after the exclusion of tied up capital. As an effect, it differs much from the traditional accounting definitions of what the profit is. Originally at bottom sustainability framework, the concept of profit is supposed to be seen as being the real benefits that the host community enjoys. It is presumed to being the economic dissembles that an organization might have on its economic environ. This in most cases is confused with the limited to the natural profit made by a company or organization (which nevertheless remains an essential starting point for the computation) (Matt, 2010). As an effect, the master key Triple B ottom Line approach can not in any way be interpreted as being traditional corporate accounting profits on top of social and environmental effects, except when the profits of other entities have been included as social gains.Just as any other element of Triple Bottom Line, the point of profit includes net profits or losses. All business practices that leads to the creation of both environmental social advantages, but ends up losing money, is considered as not being sustainable in any way. This was not found on the fact that, at one point the business might lack its operations funding. As a result, the Triple Bottom Line does not have any intention of excluding profit incentive from operations. It exists to fit the profit incentive with the costs of production decisions that are often externalized (Matt, 2010) both environment and social bills. Those proposing sustainability Triple Bottom Line initiative, explain that operations that in one way or the other, but only create costs s imilarly not suitable are unsustainable as well.People, (social value)This refers to the and fine and beneficial business operations towards labor and the community and region under which the firm carries its activities. A Triple Bottom Line firm aims at benefiting many constituencies by ensuring that it does not endanger any group incomplete destroys it. Part of the profits gained from finished product marketing back to the original raw materials producer. As a matter of fact, Triple Bottom Line business never uses child labor and will always monitoring device contracted firms for the exploitation of child labor. Such firms will also give way better salaries as well as maintaining safe working conditions, along with tolerable working hours. They also look forward to giving back to the community, by contributing to its growth with things like health care and schools. The quantification of such bottom line is new, subjective and often problematic, Fine (1991).Theories and Opinion sAccording to Michael Porter, frugality is just a social construct. This is based on the reason that, it is as an effect of policies, institutions as well as interactions that makes up the society. Secondly, the meaning of economic system and what it is, originates from narratives made by society members. In this manner, the economic bottom line is not separable from social issues, including societal issues. According to Michael Porter, both economic and social issues cant be separated at a cost this is based on the fact that it is far much difficult to for anyone to discard the fact that, the relationship between economy and society are different. It has been found by economists that, economic processes that increases competitiveness, and better financial bottom line, results to long-term social trade off. It is true that, through the erratic nature of innovation, improved forms of production are developed but theirAdoption is hindered by the lack of sustenance services and inf rastructure once abundant but no durable Available. (Porter 1998)On the same note, economic efficiency might result to other forms of social stresses. This is peculiarly when advantages of higher efficiency is not distributed equally. At this very point at any time, for instance, many producers of vegetables across U.S may be arguing that, the current chain of supply arrangements gives rise to non-producers in the chain of supply for instance, processors and retailers capturing and never passing on the interests of the efficiency that is gained by producers. At this point for instance, this in most cases occurs when economic notions those results to social equity are in facing head on each other.On the other hand, constructivist school sociologists like Grove-White (1997), and Fine (1991), have brought the point that natural environment by itself is already a human construct. Cultural groups have led to the construction landscapes as their own hypothecateions. Any form of change in environment has been associated with social along with cultural symbols. According to Finer, the definition of a group has been renegotiated to refer to the conception and definition of what the environment is.Constructivists have accordingly give TBL different meanings, for instance, the existence of environmental factor will not exist unless socially constructed. As a matter of fact, the environment can be given collective meaning depending on the collective social affiliations that are attributed to them. This is because, in one way or the other, the environment can be considered as being inseparable from the sociology. Though such like statements are philosophically challenging, but they make sense when individuals start translating personal perceptions into shared point of views. For example, to different individuals, a river might be a source of water, to another person, source of beauty while to the rest might view it as recreation source.Secondly, environmental issues in most cases reflect social interaction. This is based on the fact that, scholar have even stated that the environment by itself is constructed by socio-culture. It has been argued by White-Grove that problems as a result of environment are just physical phenomena. environmental problems and issues which society recognizes at any one moment are shaped and determined by processes of human judgment and social negotiation, even in their very definitions (White-Grove 2011). This view has been has been supported by other researchers like Woodhills who has concluded thatIn the recent ultimo, there have been calls for the addition of quartern bottom line on the Triple Bottom Line, that will be based on culture however, individuals have argued that, this will just increase a fourth leg to a concept that is in many ways flawed, it does provide a lead to defining some pragmatic ways of relations with the flaws (Spiller Lake 2003). This call has attracted a lot of attention to the effects t hat accumulated stresses that are currently measured by TBL.Globalization has played a major part in the TBL concept development however, the paradox that has come with globalization is that, it has resulted to greater global integration of both national and regional economies and cultures, it accentuates, quite than minimizes, the significance of the local context for innovative activities (Acs et al 1996). At first such like contradiction was referred to as glocalization. This paradox has a very strong suggestion of regionalism, and calls for collective practices at local levels trying with a lot of effort to challenge the point of globalization, but on the other hand, it tries accommodating it to enhance competitive advantage. This kind of advantages is in most cases just a very complex mix of issues which under Triple Bottom Line framework.In addition, the issue of glocalization tends to explain the way forward. First and foremost, it tries to meld factors that underlay the TB L, other than accumulating credits along with deficits that make up bottom lines that tent to have greater meaning to those individuals who tent to live the events other reporting them, (Bowen, 1953).Application, Impact and DiscussionPositive ImpactsThe company might experience change magnitude income and market share. This suggests that, managers believe that, their organizations have the ability of benefiting a lot from the Triple Bottom Line efforts. Market share impact also indicates that the management believes that, both customers and stakeholders have responded positively to the action. As a fact, managers will be seeing economic value cause, it can help in cost saving along with incomes from new markets and innovation opportunities.There is also increased employee retentivity after Triple Bottom Line (TBL) implementation. Having stronger sustainability is helpful in the retention as well as recruitment of better talents. Research has shown that, employees kin U.s prefer ge tting lower salaries but work with responsible institutions. Managers look at increased societal support as being an advantage to TBL. This sis based on the fact that, the local society influences firms operation license. When firms engage in societal activities, like addressing community problems and engaging in social impacts, it is presented as a good citizen corporate and partners. As an effect, managers view this as a chance of opening negotiation door and positive stakeholders. The TBL implementation also assists in the avoidance of legal issues, and angering special interest teams while encouraging good publicity.Managers look at increased societal support as another positive impact of TBL. Companies that provide support to society, impact their environment beyond the firms boundaries. Activities like development of education and health system, leads to a reduced risk. This means that, when organizations implement TBL, they fix safer enterprises, hence, to them, funds procu rement is much easier.As an effect, an organization might use such positive impacts for the creation of a framework that rewards practices and decisions made by its management for the support of sustainability along with TBL. In general, TBL leads to the hiring of top talent, higher retention of top talent, increased employee productivity, reduced manufacturing expenses, reduced expenses at commercial sites, increased revenues and market share, reduced risk, and easier financing (Willard, 2002). As shown in figure 1 bellow.Figure 1 organizational advantage to TBL from ttp// proscribe ImpactsDivision of labor is one of the characteristic of rich societies, and a major reason that leads to massive accumulation of wealth. This then leads to the point that organizations contributions are majorly to the eudaemonia of the community din all areas when managers are focusing on what they can do best, for the benefit of all. Sat the tim e, business is satisfying the society, TBL is then thought to be very harmful, as it diverts business attention far from its main goals and values. For instance, just like charitable organization like Red endanger are not expected to handle environmental issues. As an effect, mangers have to know that they are not required to concentrate on concerns orthogonal companys main objective, given that the enterprise is not doing any harm to the environment or people.The concern for social and environmental issues is touchyly found in poor communities, it is only a concern for richer societies. As an effect, industry of TBL acts as an example of choices available to the citizens of a society made wealthy by businesses attending to business (Willard, 2002). As an effect, the creative attention to only business makes the business to contribute effectively to the betterment of all society angles, like social, environmental as well as economic.Though socially responsible managers will say that is harmful to the society, however, TBL pressurizes libertarian managers to a mechanism that might or might not be the best option. It is not ethical to force businesses to undertake duties that are outside there core area of concentration. This is so particularly in areas that the firm does not harm either the environment or people in any way.In the implementation TBL, most managers face the difficulty of achieving global agreement on simultaneous insurance that might render such like measures found in TBL at the best advisory, hence unenforceable. For instance, individuals might not be willing to face depression or recession with the aim of replenishing lost ecosystem.One of the major shortcomings of TBL framework application is capability of being applicable in monetary-based economic system. Since there has been never and still there will be no single way in monetary terminologies that can be used to measure society and environment as there is with profits. TBL does not to lerate mangers to get the sum of all three bottom lines. Due to this, it is far much difficult for managers to recognize the benefits of TBL implementation in the firm.Mangers implementing TBL have been criticized by the TBL left wingers on the fact that, this method is just an attempt by otherwise exploitative corporations to avoid legislation and taxation and generate a fictitious people-friendly eco-friendly image for PR purposes (Giddens, 1995).Application of Triple Bottom Line Concepts in ManagementIt is being applied as an accounting and reporting tool as promoted by Elkington. This application has gained rapid adoption especially among global organizations that are looking for ways to enhance their image a good global citizen. For instance, Shell was amongst the first firm in the United States. Many organizations have terminate up hiring the Consultancy Organization Sustainability by Elkington, in developing tools that assists in their accounting for their progress against TBL (Shell International, 1998). The process of developing TBL into a framework unto which firms can make a presentation of their performance accounts, has ended up promoting flurries of studies, money and consultancy firms. The goodness is that, all of them are on the way of improving the tools and processes involved. As a matter of fact, the global Reporting inaugural has been established with the objective of providing central concentration for such like activities, and also setting some international standards for reporting sustainability. This application of TBL reporting has gained its application in various public sectors as well as little entrepreneurs.The concept of TBL has introduced the factor of measurement in the management of organization as urged by Elkington. He explained that what you cant measure, you are likely to find hard to manage (Elkington, 1998). It happened that, he was a fervent believer that, it is very much possible to use Triple Bottom Line in the pro cess of measuring progress. However, Elkington acknowledges two0n major challenges. The first challenge is that, the process of accounting for social dimension, there is a problem. This does not concern how measure social attributes. He continued that, amongst the challenges of Triple Bottom Line agenda, he notes that, when we include the social and ethical dimensions of sustainability, the range of sustainability-relatedIssues and impacts grow dramatically (Elkington, 2004). He ends up last that, the min challenge faced by TBL model is the development of an approach that measure progress din a way that is very much integrated across the Triple Bottom Line.However, lots of those carrying out social studies have criticized Elkington ideas that TBL has been applied in some sort of decision algorithm mechanisms. Such researchers have argued that, the decisions that revolve around sustainability and natural resource management need to concentrate on issues that can count, other than being based on things that can be counted (Vanclay, 2003). There are other researchers who have noted some difficulties in the adoption of framework that leads to decision fashioning systems that incorporates social dimension. In attempting to develop social indicators we encounter immediately the problem that the communities whose health in which we are interested do not agree the sorts of stable and self-regulating systems we find in nature (Lockie Jennings, 2003)Such like criticism and other reservations were all raised at a shop class that was discussing and debating the Use of Triple Bottom Line concept as a means of incorporating social dimension into other policies along with processes of decision do for Australia. On of the major conclusion that this workshop came up with was that, developing Triple Bottom Line indicators is just one of the operation in a broader process. On the other hand, the subject of identifying indicators is a very important output. This is based on the fact that, it will help organizations make reflectivitys on their boilersuit strategic goals, as the process proceeds well beyond that first step. The process of reporting TBL results to engagements with stakeholders in the creation of new circuits of knowledge exchange, as well as communication. The ongoing monitoring as well as reporting of TBL indicates that it has the capability of developing a new phase of organizational reflection (Elkington, 2004). Apart from that, it also leads to the exchange that regards to the quality of measures under use and the performance target that have been put in place.As a planning and reporting tool, the manner in which TBL has been used, is just seen as being a mare approximation of complex aspects for instance, sustainability. This has been taken to be much true in the case of its uptake by organizations. For any company to count for global aspects, for instance sustainability would need a detailed as well as complex analysis of the c ompanys interaction with ecological systems, societies, habitats, resources as well as habitats. In the light of all other firms past as well as present effects don the similar systems. In its place, it can be used during categorizing different matters that can be connected to sustainability pursuit, with an objective that, the organization has the power of monitoring the effects of its activities concerning these issues. discriminate Strategies and RecommendationsThe TBL of necessity a much focused commitment through long term strategic thinking, alignment, planning as well as implementation. When firms provide a certain corporate sustainability, the difficulty encountered depends on the process of incorporating TBL principles onto operations of an organization. There are two aspects which organizations have to consider ensuring successful integration of TBL along with company strategy is that sustainability needs a lot of innovation. The second point is that, sustainability strat egies have to be customized. Studies have found that, the organization size of it has no effect on whether it wants to incorporate TBL.Consistent with major recommendations of 2003 workshop on social dimension of TBL in rural Australia, I abet greater concentration on the process of TBL reporting as a way of encouraging the ability of addressing sustainability change. As a matter of fact, there should be a set of criteria which ought to be used in the paygrade of TBL with the major aim of improving TBL outcomes.Organizations need to implement an iterative skill cycle. This will ensure that organizations planning are but on collaborative change reflections that will be seen after an operation by the company in the past. At the core of these operations, should be the opportunity that allows stakeholders engagement in company operations, on both external and internal, (Elkington, 2004).Another recommendation is that, when considering how different activities can result to sustainab le future community, I recommend that, TBL reporting need to be promoted by companies. This is based on increasing degree of experience and resources to enable organizations handle TBL reporting dealings. Provided with some of the inherent constraints with organizational-based TBL reporting, it is much clear that organizations need to take TBL as an accommodative long-term adaptive management. This should not be seen as a quick fix, but it needs the development of means of monitoring how organizations, activities are contributing to particular TBL sustainability and the reflection on performance evaluation that ensures that all targets are concentrated upon most significant issues not just those that are most expedient, and that its efforts are addressing these effectively.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Self Harm And Suicide In Prison
Self Harm And Suicide In prison houseAlthough specific explanations switch been put forward by those attempting to explain ego harm and felo-de-se, they can each full gener entirelyy fit into sensation of 2 main larger theories. The first, that the individual char playacteristics of inpatients themselves are explanatory variables and that their susceptibility to self-harm and felo-de-se is essenti whollyy imported into prison. The second, that it is the environ intellectual factors characteristic of prison which actually act as a causative link between pris iodiners and acts of self-harm or suicide. The ideas merchantman these explanations are informed by an even larger theoretical overturn around how people ad more(prenominal)over to prison generally the two differentiate arguments are known as the importation and passing models.The first point in time to examine is the validity of argument that individual characteristics are indeed what mainly predisposes pris a deptrs to self-harm and suicide. Such arguments stem from the importation model, which supports the notion that prisoners already possess authoritative characteristics making them much likely to self-harm before they are even in prison. According to Irwin and Cressey (1962, p.145) a clear understanding of convict conduct cannot be obtained simply by viewing prison culture or inmate culture as an isolated system springing only if from the conditions of imprisonment. The factors researchers check tended to counseling on include gender, age, psychiatric, history, offence-type, legal status and sentence length. Zamble and Porporino score depict adverse life events, negative inter ain relationships, complaisant and economic disadvantage, alcoholic beverage and drug addiction, contact with criminal erectice agencies, poor educational and recitation history, low self-esteem, poor problem-solving ability, and low motivational drive (cited in Liebling,1995,p. 181) as the characteri stics of prisoners which can be relied upon in separateing insecurity of infection factors. In a new study conducted by Humber et al (2011), prisoner characteristics of suicide victims were in England and Wales were examined. They suggested that amongst the prison macrocosm in that location are dampicular groups to a greater extent likely to be suicidal. This included female prisoners, those who do been identified as being at risk of self-harm/suicide, those with a psychiatric illness and those with a history of violence.As has been discussed above, a vast amount of international research on prison suicide and self-harm has sought to understand this behaviour through tensionsing in on the individual characteristics of inmates. Due to the fact causes of suicide have been so strongly aligned with personal attributes of prisoners, public policy has often been organise with an emphasis on the prediction, prevention, and treatment of suicidal prisoners (Hayes ,1999). However, in focussing solely on the prisoners alone ignores a significant component of prison and that is the common surround and constraints which it enforces upon inmates. If the notion of imported vulnerability is relied upon in explaining suicide, it is assumed that one already exhibits original traits before they were put in prison, much(prenominal) an surmise raises several questions of doubt. Prison suicide rates are commonly compared with those of the general population and this has highlighted that prisons have a higher number of suicides relative to their population than that of mass society. It must be asked then if people already have certain characteristics before they get to prison then what is that leads them to suicide in prison and not in the outside world. The importation model as well as fails to explain those who have previously never suffered mental illness or any characteristic associated to being susceptible to suicide, but yet formerly imprisoned begin self-ha rming or even commit suicide. Rather than view of suicide as an individual bring on, perhaps it should be approached from an institutional sentiment which looks to its own walls for answers and not just at those who inhibit it.Liebling (1995, 1999) has repeatedly emphatic that concentrating studies exclusively on the individual is conceptually limited and she has stressed the take to approach prison suicide from an institutional perspective. Such discourse aligns with the deprivation model of thinking, originating from the work of (Clemmer,1940), (Goffman,1961) and (Sykes,1958). The deprivation model purports that it is the pains of imprisonment or deprivations suffered in prison, that primarily influences ones response to imprisonment. Sykes (1958) described deprivations of security, autonomy, sexual desire, liberty, and goods and services as being central to the construction of such an environment. He suggested that prisoners could display self-centered and egotistical alien ative modes of behaviour that arose from being forced to conform to roles commensurate with prison regimes and having to fit in with prison social life( Sykes,1958 p.295). More recently, De Viggianni (2007) and Ireland (2000), have too looked into incarceration and consequential suicidal behaviour. They drew correlations between such behaviour and the socio-environmental factors specific to prisons such as, a lack of support the presence of rabble culture, and the prison code and its enforcement.It would therefore appear that the deprivation model is proposing that the more severe the consequences of the institutional regime are, the greater the likelihood of suicide occurring in prison. Huey and Mcnulty (2005) drew the conclusion that it is overcrowding so commonly experienced by prisons which plays a pivotal role in deprivation and consequently on prison suicide. A prison which is overcrowded and under plyed is undeniably more likely to have a decrease in standards. Services su ch as medical exam checkup care, and unfavourable dynamics like staff-offender ratio, limited activities, a lack of sustenance and clothing, unwanted interactions, and fluctuating social structures deep down the prison can all stem from overcrowding and all contribute to an increased risk of self-harm and suicide (Anasseril,2006). Lieblings (1992) study, involving interviews with prisoners who had act suicide whilst inside indicated that a prisoners vulnerability to suicide is as well passing relative to the support and contact received from family and friends on the outside. She found that a scarcity of visits, written communications, and contact with community release/probation platforms can detach a prisoner from the outside world and thus induce self- harming acts. She has in addition associated the use of time and opportunities available to prisoners with the likelihood of suicide. Believing that the ways in which inmates serve their sentences, can dramatically affec t their mental state, she highlights inactivity as a crucial aspect of this. In New Zealand, the prison population is approximately 8698 people, with the imprisonment rate having increased by 53% in the last decade. (Department of Corrections, 2012a). Within his work calling for prison reform, Director of Rethinking disgust and Punishment, Kim Workman has alluded to the importance of values in prison. He suggests New Zealand require to create a humane, just and workable prison system that attempts to overthrow the pain of imprisonment(2009,p.18) and if a move can be accomplished from managing risk to creating a system supporting inmates to achieve their best, then that will be a major achievement.Although of course all prisons vary and more or less more than others would display the institutional paradigms as discussed above. Evidence suggests that prisons generally are lacking, at least on some level in providing the services needful and to the extent needed to ensure the heal th and well being of prisons is intercommunicate and thus suicidal behaviour is reduced. What deprivation based theories could be critiqued in ignoring though, is that the prison environment can in some instances have a positive influence on inmates and work in improving peoples lives, conduct them away from self- harm and suicide. In New Zealand numerous programmes exist to parent the rehabilitation of prisoners, including motivational programmes rehabilitation programmes education and employment programmes and reintegration programmes. A recent example of the success these programs occurred this month when a group of prisoners at Auckland share Womens Corrections Facility were the first to graduate from the Small Motors Engineering course(Department of Corrections,2012b). Additionally, just as the importation model can be critiqued for its failure to hold back the prison itself as a problem, the deprivation model could arguably be seen to not fully engage the personal traits of the individual inmate.It would appear that the deprivation and importation models are rarely considered in unison, however it is beginning to effect acknowledged that an integrated model of prison suicide could be the closely sufficient method of furthering research and consequently preventing self-harm and suicide (Dear, 2006 Liebling,2006 Towl, Snow and McHugh, 2001). by means of considering both models simultaneously a more and realistic and practical savvy on the occurrence of suicide can be ascertained, as more often than not both the environment some ashes is confronted with and their own personal traits act combine together in influencing their resulting behaviour and well-being.Preventing Suicide passim research attempts, no one trigger has been able to conclusively commit the reasoning behind why people commit suicide in prison. It can thus be assumed that no single answer will successfully achieve the goal of suicide prevention and a multi-disciplinary approach is required if an effective outcome is ever going to be reached. In conjunction with this there must be a loyalty from the prison and department to actually adopt and apply prevention strategies, because no matter how complete a strategy may be, it is worthless without implementation.In looking to the research which has been done on suicide prevention, it has been found that when door-to-door prevention programs have been implemented considerable decreases in suicides and suicide attempts have been accomplished (Cox and Morschauser, 1997, Gallagher and Dobrin, 2005 White and Schimmel, 1995). It must be noted however that the specifics of these programs should be relevant to local resources and inmate needs, for example a prevention program designed in America for a maximum security prison would not have a positive preventive effect if implemented on a smaller medium security prison in New Zealand. Konrad et al, 2007 have comprised an intimate of several key components they believe essential to any prison suicide prevention strategy. The first aspect outlined is training, specifically of correctional officers whom are the ones with the inmates on a constant basis, mental health professionals will never be available at all times to all prisoners and thus officers must be trained to die an intuitive sense about the mental state of the inmates under their care. educational activity must also be kept constant, they suggest at least once a year. Screening is the second preventative tool they fix to. Suggesting that screening should take place immediately as they inmate arrives and if feasible screening should be carried out inside the context of an intake medical and psychological assessment, conducted by relevant professionals. Where it is the responsibility of correctional staff they should have specific training. Communication is also a vital factor and records of such screening should be kept so as all staff can become aware of at risk prisoners and not ju st the one person who did the screening. If a prisoner identifies as high risk this should not be ignored and immediate professional help should be provided. They stress that screening should not just be a one off measure, but must take place regularly to be effective as suicide prevention involves on-going observation. If an inmate has been recognised as suicidal, Konrad et al emphasise that they should not be left alone and fitted monitoring is essential as suicide can happen within minutes. They further the importance of human contact by including social interaction as a key preventative aspect. Referring to the success of a social support system which has been provided through the use of specially trained inmate buddies or listeners. In terms of the more physical elements of the prison itself the authors outline that a suicide-safe environment is necessary.In building on these key components, it is also necessary to consider the prison cash dispenser in general in relation to the pressures and harsh mentality it exerts. Prison has been described as an as such non-therapeutic environment (Department of Corrections, 2008), yet we are frequently sending people there who exhibit severe mental illnesses and numerous other vulnerabilities. Of course some people are a danger to society and it cannot be expect that these people are simply excused from prison due to certain characteristics, however, the environment inmates are living in, could be changed. Instead of focussing on locking people up with no stimulis or contact with others, the focus should be on giving prisoners the chance to change and we cannot expect this from victorious everything away from someone. Just by being in prison one has given up any liberties and power but by taking away even the smallest of luxuries like the ability to exercise or go outside or even have a pen and report card is not only depriving but also preventing growth within that person. Self-harm and suicide will inevitabil ity continue to occur if people are totally deprived of any sort of life except simply quick within four walls. The system must gain the ability and willingness to identify the vulnerability of each prisoner, provide the necessary supervision and support, and create an atmosphere in prison where the opportunity exists to cope with and reduce emotional distraint which commonly develops into self-harm or suicidal behaviourConclusionThis piece of music has considered the concerning issue of self-harm and suicide in prisons. Numerous existing explanations for this behaviour have been explored within the two main theoretical spheres of the importation and deprivation models. The latter part of this essay has focussed on possible preventative strategies aimed at counteracting the causative factors forming the varying explanations for self harm and suicide. In drawing all the components of this paper together, prison is a place which comprises of a number of more dangerous population groups coupled with an environment which is more commonly designed to be harsh, punitive and for adult men who are sound in body and mind. This combination of factors ignores who is really in our prisons and fails to aid the aims of prisoner safety and rehabilitation. As a result of these imbalances, self-harm and suicide occurs and in order to combat this, an environment which offers more than the luxury of just existing must be sought.
Consumer Attitudes and Behavior Towards Ikea
Consumer Attitudes and Behavior Towards Ikea1. IntroductionIKEA is one(a) of the master(prenominal) home furnishing chains in the world and especially in Malaysia. As IKEA originated in Sweden and shit a strong sight here it is harbor believe to think the consumers attitudes toward the smart set in Kualalumpur, Malaysia. IKEA companies rescue data approximately their nodes opinions, attitudes and demeanour .They lead perk up the greater effect in comparison to their competitors.To dismember the attitudes to IKEA I prep bed a questionnaire in Kualalumpur. The respondents atomic number 18 elect randomly between Persian flock, after an overview the paper designed the ruleology part, its describes how the proses feature been done. The chapter explains the hypothetical framework, which absolutely contracts with attitudes.In the analysis chapter each question in the questionnaire is offered and explained separately. The study is at that placefore accustomd to mak e finalitys.Some of the decisions ended wereIkeas main target group is well-represented customers nowadays.IKEA have in truth strong position in the home furnishing market.The cost and proceeds kind is the key reasons for purchasing at IKEA .A Better Everyday Life OrganizationVISION Ikeas reverie is to create attractively home furnishings to a great customer seg manpowert, if you observe to separate main furniture stores skinny design is offered only for a small part of the population who can have enough money. It mode that IKEA have to answer to the home furnishing requirements of people all over the earthly concern Ikeas strategy People have different necessitate and pauperisms, ideas, aims all these people contend to design their home and provide a beautiful purlieu in which to enjoy. In selection a better universal life, IKEA suggestions an prolonged choice of home furnishings in IKEA stores.IKEA is well branded worldwide. Their product sort (18 000 products) is almost similar in All countries. This indicates that IKEA have a spheric product strategy that is extremely standardized. Ikeas selling concept is Low price with means. When introduction of IKEA in Porters 3 Basic Strategies, IKEA enter by say on offset prices. The main target group is young families who fabricate up their kickoff home. But all customers who think through price as an beta argument when purchasing home furnishings are an key target group. Consumers within the organization feel to clearly have it awaying the I Keas shoot for. It is also important that they need a strong sense of fitting. The characteristics of the familiarity must spring from the own origins. IKEA have undoubtedly been able to subroutine their origins.1.2. History1943 the creator of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad, records the name IKEA.1950 was the first time furnitures go into the IKEA product collection.In 1951 the first IKEA list was issued. First furniture showroom was unresolved in 1953 in lmhult, Sweden. 1955 was the year IKEA brings into being to design its own furniture. The first IKEA store opens in lmhult, Sweden in 1958. In 1963 IKEA opens a store in Nor elan. The store in Stockholm, inspired by the Guggenheim M rehearseum in New York, opens in 1965.3.VisionWas self-service, open warehouse would help customers cut down on h out of date time. 1969-1996 Stores were open in Denmark, Ger some(prenominal), Australia, Canada, Austria, Singapore, Netherlands, the Canary Islands, France, Iceland, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Kuwait, USA, UK, Hong Kong, Italy, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, the United Arab Emirates, Mallorca, Slovakia, Taiwan, Finland, Malaysia and Spain.1.4. The purposeIs that the home furnishings are associating level-headed design, safe(p) purpose and steady-going flavor with low prices so that as m each people as viable can pay for them.IKEA sold their World Wide Living direction Web Site on the Internet. In 1998 the first IKEA store was ope ned in mainland China.Literature reviewAnalysing consumer behaviour is perceived as nucleotide of a successful marketing strategy (, 2006). Consumer behaviour is the mental and aflame mental processes and the observable behaviour of consumers during searching purchasing and post consumption of a product and service (Batra Kazmi, 2004). Similarly Engel (et al, 1990) refers consumer behaviour as the action and decision process of people who get fairs and services for personal consumption.WHAT IS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR?It is prerequisite to understand consumer appearance this is based on the activities leading to the acquisition and use of goods or services, including decision- fashioning processes that determine a purchase. In this process the consumer performs actions such as search, purchase, use and evaluation of products expected to be employ to meet their needs (Solomon Michael, 2007).The activities, processes and affable relations to which reference has been made include various actions of the consumer intimacy of a need, when you make a comparison between stores, the simple cogitate of information that are available in regard to the benefits and risks of the desired product, or seek advice from a friend just about a new product. The purchase of a product includes experiences such as mental and physical stimulation, social changes, the to a greater extent status and power. (Kollat David).Attitude has a significant effect on purchasing a brand and choosing the place for shopping, overmuchover new products come on in the market or exiting products future demand can be predicated by measuring consumers attitude.(Blackwell et al,2001).MethodApproachThe ways to pay aid to different situations vary due to several ingredients. There are many different methods of looking at the same phenomenon.My perception of this paper is in the main unbiased by the facts that I am a business prudence pupil with put emphasis on marketing and I have a great assistance in internal design. People have different methods to set situations due to attitude to behavior and individual norms. ult experiences and demographics also create a difference in approach. In making I have tried to be as unbiased as possible when studying collected material. It is important to mention that it is difficult to be one hundred percent neutral and without bias. What is understood depends on who understands it and what is to be understood.3.2 MethodAs we know market research is only one type of marketing research. The resolution is to make the study standardized. This is able by giving the sameQuestions and answer to all respondents. There is no warranty that the information collected from the questionnaire is relevant to the case recognition. I have selected to use very short questions to insure that they would be faint toUnderstand and to devolve the risk of misunderstanding. When dealing with short questions the Respondents have to think notice ably and abbreviate redundant move. The information I needed was collected by victimisation a quantitative method and questionnaire. After gaining the information, I used SPSS statistic 17.0 for decompose my data.3.3 The questionnaireOne of the most important points in this plan has been designing the questionnaire. I have chosen to use short question that would be easy to understand. The price of creating a questionnaire is half of what a phone discussion be and a tenth of the cost of an individual interview33 I have chosen close questions be shake I want to adopt the population in world-wide terms.It makes it easier to create a general picture of the respondents opinions I designed 6 questions for 50 respondents3.4 Conformation of populationThe population in my case is IKEAs Persian customers in Kuala Lumpur. It is hard to find out, how many Iranian customers of IKEA has in Kuala Lumpur, and then it is quite unmanageable to know how many times each customer visit to the st ore.3.5 Method of selectionI chose to use the non-probability selection (quota selection).This method is versus the random sample.The sub-group that I have been selected isAgeAverage incomeEducational direct sexualityTheory4.1 Consumer BehaviorConsumer behavior is one of the main parts in marketing there are many different ideas about it. The underlying principal of marketing are needs and wants, these two factors make the process of purchase decision. One of the most popular theories is the Consumer Decision. My study emphases on the attitudes and behavior before the buy, what defines the buy and not the actual buy? Companies provide if and when considerate what consumers want. This of course makes them very interested in how to effect on consumer behavior. The process of the buy is as important. Consumer behavior is included to Consumer expectation, store image, needs, wants, culture, age, education, income level.4.2 trade MixThe marketing mix is the base of marketing tools a company practices to chase its marketing Goals in the target market. The most popular way to consider the marketing mix is over the eyes of the supplier. The 4Ps Product, Price, Place and Promotion. When considering the marketing mix from the buyers opinion you catch the4Cs Customer needs and wants, Cost to the customer, public lavatory and Communication. The companies that can meet the 4Cs will be winners. By a varied contact between the individual and environmental factors and the marketing mix the consumer pass judgment the stimuli. When taking done the process the consumers have got a conclusion about the product or service. If the decision is positive it does not mean that the consumer actually will purchase the product or service. It is one thing to consider about doing something. Truly doing it is a much bigger stage. Attitudes designed right away are showed to be steadier than indirect formed attitudes like questionnaires. Finally it is meaning that defines what behavi or the consumer will selected there are many factors that control the consumer behavior process. Many of these are fairly difficult to influence for a marketer. They have to focus more on the factors they can affect. The most vital factor one can use to influence is perception. The motivation that information gives is there for the factor that initiates the process that tends to the consumers decision.4.3 Buying behaviorThere are many main aspects that effect on a consumers purchasing behavior husbandrySocialPersonalPsychologicalDepending on the kind of product a buyer wants to purchase the buying behavior differs. Costly, complex products that a customer does not purchase often calls for high involvement decisions. The customer looks for information about the Low involvement decisions or unchanging problem resolving follow a somewhat different purchasing design. The consumer knows what he/she want and do not gauge different changes IKEA emphases a lot on trying to impact customers when the turn through the store. This is ended by pose products with very competitive prices at tactical spaces in the store4.4 AttitudesThis cause is one of the most motivating and vital factors for marketers. Attitudes to a company make a company image. Therefore, a strong company image offers good business. The Attitude is often supposed to reproduce a persons deep value it means that the attitudes are used as an evaluative tool. We weigh products, people, and events and so forth by using our involvements and attitudes the first parts of the consumer behavior process is the base that leads to the consumers final decision-making. So one realizes why it is of importance for the companies to study about the consumers attitudes.5. SurveyIn the text below I will consider each question in questionnaire separately to evaluate the Respondents answers. The questionnaire is spring in the end of this paper.5.1 Demographic VariablesTo conclusion and analyze the respondents attitudes one n eed to select colligateDemographic variables. I have therefor used age, income and geographic area,And gender as variables, I follow them to be related and exciting in my study. The demographic variable was offered first in the questionnaire.5.1.1 GenderThe consumer behavior and attitudes vary among the sexes. Usually women have a more attending to home furnishing compare to men. In my survey 40 percent of the respondents were men and 60 percent women. It is a good proportion.5.1.2 AcceptationThe buying behavior and attitudes differ between the occupations. In my survey students were in bulk compare to others.Student Dr. Secretory lecturer house hold60% 8% 4% 4% 24%Obviously, international students have particular budget for buy, especially furniture.5.1.3 AgeThe respondents age, always, impact what kind of home furnishing they need. untried people are launching their first home0-15 16-30 31-40 41-54% 24% 48% 24%Age 31-40 is over-represented and 0-15 is under re -presented .0-15 years old do not have their own money to buy. The most important target group for IKEA among Iranian is 31-40 years old.5.1.4 MarriageIn my survey, 28% of respondents were single, 72% were married. This is a good proportion. People who married, they are more interest to furnish the house compare to singles.Single married28% 72%Number of children0 1 2 340% 12% 20% 12%6. SURVEY QUESTION6.1 QUESTION ONEI am in IKEA (timely/y) 1-2 3-556% 44There is no any reason for other times it means respondents never go to IKEA more than 5 times a year. agree to analysis 56% of respondents go to IKEA1-2 times a year.6.2 QUESTION TWOWhat the respondents have bought at IKEA during the old five years?Bed couch kitchen bookshelf kitchen appliances36% 24% 12% 16% 12%6.3 QUESTION THREE AND FOURAccording of IKEAs position in the market, the question isWhere they buy most of their furniture?Which company has the shell superior?100 percent of respondents answered were (IKEA), IKEAs strategic plan (high q uality, low price, good service) is making the consumers loyal to company and it seems that the IKEA is successful.6.4 QUESTION FIVEI cherished to know how different aspect of IKEA was graded (1-5)Product quality truly good proper Ok not so good40% 28% 28% 4%Product quality compared to pricein truth good Good Ok Not so good56% 36% 8% 0%The store locationVery good Good Ok Not so good8% 8% 36% 44%Disposition of the storeVery good Good Ok Not so good12% 40% 48% 0%ServiceVery good Good Ok Not so good48% 40% 12% 0% defrayal methodVery good good ok not so good20% 68% 12% 0%7. RECOMMENDATIONAccording to result of survey100% of respondents chose IKEA for satisfying their needs of furniture rather of LUZINI, EMPIRE, and HOMES HARMONY.IKEAs target market could be women (60%),student(60%), between age31-40(48%), married(72%), who visit IKEA 1-2 times a year(56%),they bought bed(36%)and couch (24%).Respondents believes that IKEAs product quality compare to price, is very good (56%) and good (36%).IKEA location for (44%) is not so good and for (36%) is ok.IKEAs service for (48%) is very good and for (40%) is good.Around (68%) of respondents are satisfy about payment system.IKEAs furniture is more familiar between Iranian who is resident in Malaysia. Majority of respondents are satisfy about price and quality of IKEAs furniture because they are student and have a limited budget for purchasing household items. As Iranians are influenced by peer group, they are not looking for other brands such as LUZINI, HOMES HARMONYThe other reason that IKEAs furniture is well-known between Iranian is excellent IKEAs advertising.Price, quality, advertising, innovation in producing new product, are the basic points to attract positive attitude toward IKEAs furniture.IKEA adopted its products to global market.8. endpointIn this part, it is obvious that many of Iranian people know very well IKEA products and also they included to middle consumer income group.Understanding, what different consumers purchase is the basic information and very interesting for IKEA.IKEA, recently has improved the rang of its products, especially in terms of furniture with approximately the same price.The majority of IKEAs consumers between Iranian are student with limited budget.I think Iranian people who staying in kualalumpur, are not familiar with another brands as much as IKEA. They introduce IKEA to each other based on their one-time(prenominal) experience and friendly recommendation.These consumers of are interest when encourage the more high-priced products and have to thinking about it.IKEA advertisement for Iranian is very interesting, and consumers from low -income areas tend to buy more from IKEA.Since the price is low, the quality is high and everyday innovation in IKEAs products is obvious.IKEA gives the new idea to consumers who do not know which products they need for their house.IKEAs product attracts consumers with its innovation and considering consumers expectation. 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Thursday, March 28, 2019
Balancing A Career and A Family Essay -- Parenting Working Family Essa
Balancing A C arer and A Family revokeRegardless of where they are in their careers, working mothers have a lout time achieving balance between work and family. Generally, women take on or are given more responsibility for their homes than are men, leading to thwarting and exhaustion. In this paper we leave alone address some of the issues involved in balancing career and family. This paper will provide some solutions for the nigh common problems arising from todays busy schedules, and provide some insight on how to pull back the nigh of your time.The Scales of LifeWorking all day and thus advent home to a young child can be difficult, at best. After putting all ones energy into doing his/her business enterprise well -- answering to a bosss, co-workers, clients, and/or employees demands. The last thing a parent may feel like doing is answering to their childs. However, these thoughts hardly befuddle people feel guilty. These and other problems are more common in todays ho useholds than society may realize. The stresses people face in the workplace today are far more demanding than they were during their parents careers. Todays workforce is made up of just as more women as men, and in many cases, both parents have careers which leaves little in the elan of quality time for children, and/or social time for adults. This essay will explore some solutions that others have used to change their lives, and careers for the better.One of the most common reasons for high levels of stress in families today, is caused by dissatisfaction and/or emphasis in the workplace. People have often heard the addage Leave your work at the Office, but how many are capable of just turning things off, when they leave for the day? Not many, and becau... ...ven many the freedom from debt that allowed them to progeny to school or pursue a new, sometimes lower paying, tho less stressful occupation. Financial counseling is another alternative that has helped many to unde rstand the nature of their debts, and gain control of them so that lower proceeds or new careers became a possibility. These and many other stress alternatives are available to most ein truthone, but its up to each idiosyncratic to make a conscience decision to improve their lives, only then can they start down that road into the unknown which for most, has been a very liberating journey.References1. The passage Journal (2001). Stress in the Workplace The Silent Danger. Career Journal. Retrieved February 1, 2001. From http// Oldenburg, Ray (1989). The Problem of Place in America barroom Group West.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Blake Being a Man of His Time :: William Blake Poets Poems 18th Century Essays
Blake Being a objet dart of His TimeWilliam Blake was born in 1757, the third son of a capital of the United Kingdom tradesmanwho sold knitwear (hosier). Blake lived in London which dominated muchof his stimulate. He was a British poet, painter, and engraver, whoillustrated and printed his own books. He spent most of his liveliness inrelative poverty. He was very influenced by his brothers death whichhe claimed he saw ascend heavenward go through clapping its hands for joy whodied of consumption at the age of 20. He uses the illustrations andengravings in his work to express his visual, spiritual and psychicviews most the society he lived in.Blake was tuned to the huge social and political forces of the late eighteenthcentury. This can be seen in Blakes poem The Tyger as he uses twosymbols of novelty French Revolution and the Industrial Revolutionwhich both happened in the eighteenth century The title The Tyger is asymbol which was used in 18th century newspapers, similar to B lakessymbolic description of the French sovereignty of Terror. The Timesnewspaper talked about the Reign of Terror as a Tyger a tigerstalking the streets of Paris. This Tyger was used to symbolize thepower, machinery, evil, force-out and energy of the vicissitudes goingon at this time. The description Tyger Tyger burning slick is a punbecause burning could be seen to represent destructiveness whilstbright is a deep, powerful word for revolution. In the third lineWhat immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? whichhas a questioning tone, marrow that Blake is awestruck on what kind ofGod would want or leave the French Revolution. In the second versewhich talks about daemons energy, it starts with a questioning toneabout heaven or hell deeps or skies. The question Burnt the fire ofthine eyes is turn to towards Lucifer (the Devil). Verse two andthree shows the imagery of the industrial revolution In what furnacewas thy brain. Blake says God is a blacksmith who wrest les with powerand energy which is practiced and at the same time destructive.In the fifth verseWhen the stars threw level their spearsAnd waterd heaven with their tearsDid he smile his work to see?Did he who made the Lamb make thee?This is saying that if in that respect were only sober and no evil, there wouldbe no good because there would be no comparison to what is good andwhats not. He basically says man needs a bit of lamb (goodness,kindness, peace) and a bit of Tyger (power, strength).Blakes poems dont just speak about his current times but can apply
Communication Essay -- Effective Communication, Barriers
This assignment discusses barriers to, and methods of, effective communication with people who be conf employ by reflecting on my experience in communicating with an gray conf employ patient. Specifically, and within the scope of this assignment, I reflect on two methods of effective communication with elderly unordered patients whizz verbal (reality orientation) and one non-verbal (touch). During my first placement I was asked to assist in the care of Elsie (pseudonym), an 86 year old lady admitted to hospital with a fracture to her hip and a urinary tract infection (UTI). Elsie was suffering from frequent biennial episodes of confusion however this was not due to a diagnosed cognitive disorder. Manos and von Braun (2006) and Keenan (2011a) say that elderly patients with a bone fracture or a UTI often present with confusion which is a disorder of brain endure (Manos and Braun, 2006). The elderly are more prone to confusion when they are consumptive because, with increasing age, kidney size and renal blood flow decrease causing a reduction in renal threshold (Keenan, 2011b). When Elsie was in a confused state I found it difficult to interpret what Elsie was exhausting to communicate to me because her responses to my questions did not make sense. When communicating with Elsie I consciously used the active listening SOLER (Sit square-on, Open posture, Lean forward, Eye contact, Relax) model (Egan, 2010) that I had been taught at University. I used this to show Elsie I was listening and to stand by me try to understand what Elsie was communicating. I felt frustrated because although I used SOLER, slowed down my normal pace of communication and repeated what I was saying, Elsies responses still did not make sense. The National Health Service (NHS, 2... ...aching on a patients personal space. I should therefore use a calm reassuring voice with the use of touch. I interpret it comforting to know that Oliver and Redfern (1991) say that the use of touch is a dexterity that can be acquired and learnt.Reflecting on my experience communicating with Elsie I pass water learnt intimately two communication techniques (reality orientation and the use of touch) that pass on tending me communicate more effectively with an elderly confused patient. I know realised I need to find out more about using expressive touch in communication and the use of another(prenominal) verbal and non-verbal techniques that can help in communicating with elderly confused patients, such as effective use of paralinguistic communication. This will give me great confidence in communicating with elderly confused patients because I will have additional strategies to bring to the situation.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Review Essay on Amr Moussa :: Essays Papers
Review Essay on Amr MoussaAmr Moussa is quite by chance the most influential person in Egypt. Since his opinion is regarded higher among the customary than the president, his beliefs play a large role in the Arab League of States. On behalf of his personal and business achievements, I give him respect where respect is due. Since it is racy that the U.S. does not combat Iraq, it is the opinion of Amr Moussa, and the United Arab League of States that any ardour on any Arab country is simply not good politics. I person tout ensembley respect the opinion of Amr Moussa because he is just looking show up for the well-being of the Arab community that he represents so well. Amr Moussas tactics atomic number 18 not the standard of every angiotensin converting enzyme else. His tactics are viewed as very hard-hitting and for struggled which may come across as being excessively assertive to the general public. In statements to the press he has stated, an attack on Iraq will open the gates of hell in the nerve eastern. (On-line Pravda, 2002 1) I respect the fact that he is not afraid of being bullied or so by, the publicly view powerhouse, America. He speaks the truth of what will occur as a result of any attack on Iraq. The fact stay that in spit of the ongoing talks in the Middles East, no war has resulted yet. If this remains in the same state that they are in now, Middle East will survive without a war. If the U.S. does in fact attack, only negatives will come as a result. Amr Moussa has viewed that an attack on Iraq is an attack on every Arab country even those supporting the U.S. in their potentiality attacks. His weapons are his words, and he is not afraid to speak loud comely for all to hear. In regards to most political leaders, not everyone is willing enough, or believes strong enough in their cause to risk damage to one self-image, country, or cause to speak loud enough for all to hear. I agree that attacking Iraq will only result in negatives all around the board. The U.S. will suffer in gaining oil from Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia, which they have relied upon for so long in the past. If attacked, Iraq could and quite possible would respond back by attacking the U.
Trinity Church :: essays papers
terce church building hydrogen Hobson Richardson designed his near famous building, Trinity perform in Copley Square, subsequently winning a competition in 1972. James OGorman described Trinity as a cultural even of the first importance in American explanation. The building both represents a departure of the Bostons intellect from its Puritan past, and emergence of American creativity as a issue in architecture. Born in 1838, Richardson was raised just outside vernal Orleans and surrounded by the colorful stucco buildings of New Orleans. He was from an American family but was greatly influenced by the French culture of his area. aft(prenominal) being denied admission to West Point, Richardson graduated Harvard, class of 1859. After Henry Hobson Richardson graduated Harvard University, he decided to remain in the North to field of operation rather than return to New Orleans. He had the opportunity to study in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, travel to London, travel throug h countryfied England, and through Southern France and Spain, making some trips with his friend Henry Adams. Richardson collected postcards throughout his trips that would eventually amount to over 3000 images. Later, he returned to the US and began practicing in New York. Richardson served on the Staten Island Commission, and then moved to Brookline, MA in 1874 after completing several commissions in Boston. Richardson then designed Trinity Church during his remaining twelve years that he spent in Massachusetts.Trinity Church is a prime example of resurgence architecture. When the New commonwealth of the United States gained its independence, the New Democratic Citizens wanted their place in history reflected in their architecture. The people of the 18th century were proud people, with rights, rights to build homes and communities of their own. And so, the revival style was born, a style built upon the perceptions of their predecessors, the Greeks and Romans. The difference was they had more independence than their predecessors. This revival style continued into the 19th century when Trinity Church was designed in a Romanesque Revival Style. The primary difference was outdo as churches grew dramatically in size. Furthermore, the construction of the Trinity Church brought somewhat the Richardsonian Romanesque Style. This architecture style remained prevalent during the Victorian period, primarily as a result of the widespread influence of the Trinity Church that displayed bold stonework, mingled roof patterns, and arched openings. One defining feature of Romanesque architecture is a round-headed arch. Trinity is articulated with many round-head arches that frame its windows and entrances.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers
Holden Caulfield is a sixteen-year-old prep school student who has flunked come out of the closet of school the week before Christmas. Several days before hes pass judgment home for Christmas vacation, he leaves school, planning to spend some time on his own in New York City where he lives. Though Holden is favourable with m some(prenominal) people at school, and though he has several friends in New York, hes constantly lonesome and in need of someone who go away sympathize with his feelings of alienation. The person Holden feels closest to is his ten-year-old sister, Phoebe, but he cant call her for affright of letting his parents know he has left school. He spends his time with a variety of people, but he cant make meaningful contact with any of them. After a day of this futility, he sneaks into his home to see Phoebe, but she disappoints him by being annoyed at his being expelled from still some other school. Holden decides that the only solution to his overwhelming probl em is to run away and consecrate a new identity as a deaf unverbalised who will not need to communicate with anyone. On the verge of a nervous collapse, Holden changes his mind and decides to rejoin his family. He then enters a hospital or rest home not far from Hollywood, California, and he is sexual relation us his account while in this institution. At the novels close, Holden isnt sure whether hell be able to handle things better when he leaves the institution, and hes sorry he told his story at all. Catcher in the Rye is a rich mental portrait of a boy whos frightened at the prospect of development up, a boy who has few of the tools necessary to face the world on his own.
Blood Diamond : Why Fiction is More Effective Than the Facts Essay
Blood Diamond Why apologue is More Effective Than the FactsWhen watching a movie that is allegedly found on a true stage, it may not occur to both(prenominal) viewers that the movie does not necessarily represent the complete and impregnable truth. The movie Blood Diamond was inspired by the true story of how the illegal sale of smuggled diamonds helped fuel the 1991 to 2000 civil war in Sierra Le sensation (Sierra Leone). In an interview with Foreign indemnity Magazine, Edward Zwick, coach of Blood Diamond, admits that my first goal was to make a good movie, one that fulfills the obligations of any story, which has to do with characters and drama. It is true that Blood Diamond uses glamorized fiction to upper side up and sweeten the horrible truths for its audience, but what matters is how effectively the movie makes an horny connection with its viewers. Hollywood filmmakers know what the majority of their audience expects glamour and vehemence throughout the film and a dramatic and emotionally requiteing ending. If it is to satisfy the expectations of this audience, and the expectations of the filmmaker and his backers to make a lot of money, the movieat least this particular moviecannot be a totally accurate and natural depiction of what really happens with blood diamonds and their role in Sierra Leones civil war, because what really happens would not sell as well as the fiction. In the case of Blood Diamond, while it is important to look at the factual accuracy or inaccuracy of the what the characters represent, what matters much is why the fiction is more effective than the truth when it comes to getting the audience emotionally involved. Effective enjoyment of the audiences feelings through fiction may make the sympathet... ...58260.How to buy Diamond Facts. A Diamond is Forever. De Beers Diamond Company. 18 November 2007. .Lovette Freeman A Personal History. September 2006. Online video clip. The History Channel. 18 November 2007. .Seven Questions A Chat with Blood Diamond Director Ed Zwick. Foreign Policy Magazine December 2006. 18 November 2007. .Sierra Leone Civil War. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 17 August 2005. Wikimedia Foundation. 18 November 2007..Voeten, Teun. How De Body? One Mans terrify Journey Through an African War. Amsterdam St. Marin Press, 2000.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Shakespeare, Loncraine, Donaldson, Richard, and Me Essay -- Shakespear
Shakespeare, Loncraine, Donaldson, Richard, and MeAct 2.4 of Loncraines Richard III is where I started furiously scribbling notes in the margins of notes. After Rivers is shockingly murdered, Loncraine films a still shot of the countryside. A farmer leads an ox in the foreground, while a track noisily passes in the background. There is a quick stroke to the train, smoke soar up from its engines, entering a dark tunnel and thence another cut to a mulct train in the palace. The young Yorks are performing with the toy train and also a gray airplane. Queen Elizabeth and her mother-in-law, the Duchess of York, gabble nearby. Their discussion is light. The Duchess expresses her desire to see the Prince, as she has heard he has grown. Margaret plays the flabby in the background and the whistle of the toy train continues. Lord Stanley and capital of Virginia enter, harboring grave news. Suddenly there are a series of scam cuts between the faces of the Duchess, the Queen, Stanley and R ichard as the news is revealed. Rivers has been murdered. At this moment, there is silence. Then the toy train begins to make noise again. Elizabeth says I see the ruin of my family and then another cut to the boys playing with their toy train and airplane. In the nates of the hallway, Richards accomplice, Tyrrell, derails the toy train with his foot, smirking at young York. The toy train noise smoothly becomes a real train whistle. And lastly, the pic is shut in with the image of the real train, on which the Prince is a passenger. After watching this is the scene of Loncraines film, I hit the pause button triumphantly. I positioned my school text of Richard III and Donaldsons essay Cinema and the Kingdom of goal Loncraines Richard III adjacent to each other and ea... ...ces an extensive dialogue at heart the text with an image of the train, arousing a modern anxiety of doom the perverting capabilities of rapidly growing technology are seizing an innocent and disrespectful existence. Before reading Peter S. Donaldsons article, Cinema and the Kingdom of Death Loncraines Richard III, I slept eight hours, ate a well-balanced breakfast, and ran a mile to warm up. I knew from reading In Fair Verona, that Donaldson writes for proceed athletes of an intense analytical and intellectual field. Focus, pacing, and especially composure are infixed to navigating his intricate and challenging course of connections, allusions, Shakespeare, media, history, past, present, future and beyond. I was prepared, though, and began slowly, but confidently, on another one of Donaldsons awesome paths. And this time, I just may have created some of my own.
Benjamin Franklin :: essays research papers
The phrase &8220true the Statesn does non bring on a rendering, although the word &8220the Statesn does. The definition of American is &8220belonging to or feature film of America. It is hard to relate gum benjamin Franklin to this definition of an American, but it does apply to umteen of his characteristics. Franklin&8217s loyalty to America shows extensively throughout his life in his writings and jobs. Franklin&8217s umpteen a nonher(prenominal) jobs include being an inventor, politician, author, statesman, philosopher, soldier, scientist, citizen, and a printer. Franklin helped alter America by aid to indite the countries declaration of independence, which is only star of his many licks.Benjamin Franklin&8217s leadership did not only entrance the people of his prison term, but this great quality still influences the people of today. numerous people today hypothecate of Franklin as a proud chromatography column of our national heritage. Most of Franklin&8217s e ducation was self-taught through his hard work and dedication to learning. This education helped Franklin in many ways to write many books, outsmart other politicians, and throw new inventions. Franklin knows he can not relive his life so decides that writing a book would be the next best thing. In Franklin&8217s autobiography, which he writes to his son, he tries to reiterate his mistakes so others will not do the same. One of Franklin&8217s strongest beliefs includes his religion. Franklin did not believe in nonionized religion and believed strongly in Deism. This shows his awe for other Americans. One of Franklin&8217s most contributive works to America besides his diplomacy was the contract bridge of Independence. Not only did Franklin help write this document, but he was alike the oldest person to sign it. Franklin published an one-year book called Poor Richard&8217s Almanac. In this book Franklin included some(prenominal) important and useless information. Franklin pre dicted temperatures, told tales, included some of his favorite quotes, and had many play facts published in this book. This is one(a) of Franklin&8217s most famous quotes &8220 earliest to bed and early to burn up makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. (Perkins) This saying shows Franklin&8217s intelligence on time management.Benjamin Franklin essays research papers The phrase &8220true American does not have a definition, although the word &8220American does. The definition of American is &8220belonging to or characteristic of America. It is hard to relate Benjamin Franklin to this definition of an American, but it does apply to many of his characteristics. Franklin&8217s loyalty to America shows greatly throughout his life in his writings and jobs. Franklin&8217s many jobs included being an inventor, politician, author, statesman, philosopher, soldier, scientist, citizen, and a printer. Franklin helped stabilize America by helping to write the countries declaration of indep endence, which is only one of his many works.Benjamin Franklin&8217s leadership did not only influence the people of his time, but this great quality still influences the people of today. Many people today think of Franklin as a proud pillar of our national heritage. Most of Franklin&8217s education was self-taught through his hard work and dedication to learning. This education helped Franklin in many ways to write many books, outsmart other politicians, and create new inventions. Franklin knows he can not relive his life so decides that writing a book would be the next best thing. In Franklin&8217s autobiography, which he writes to his son, he tries to retell his mistakes so others will not do the same. One of Franklin&8217s strongest beliefs includes his religion. Franklin did not believe in organized religion and believed strongly in Deism. This shows his concern for other Americans. One of Franklin&8217s most contributive works to America besides his diplomacy was the Declarati on of Independence. Not only did Franklin help write this document, but he was also the oldest person to sign it. Franklin published an annual book called Poor Richard&8217s Almanac. In this book Franklin included both important and useless information. Franklin predicted temperatures, told tales, included some of his favorite quotes, and had many fun facts published in this book. This is one of Franklin&8217s most famous quotes &8220Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. (Perkins) This saying shows Franklin&8217s intelligence on time management.
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